Containing therapeutic, skin-preserving and medicinal qualities that are said to help stimulate the lymphatic system, as well as revitalize and firm the skin, seaweed grabs all the richness from the ocean (where there are no fertilisers or pesticides!) and contains an intense and unadulterated concentration of amino acids, mineral salts, vitamins A, C, B1, B12, E, K, D and trace elements. Put simply, it’s ten times richer in such elements as plants on land are. What’s more, it’s easily absorbed into the skin, and its benefits add texture and shine to your hair and help improve skin tone. Seaweed has made its way into a plethora of beauty products, but one of the best in terms of purity of ingredients is Space NK’s
Spa Thalassotherapy line.
Prices start from just £16 and products range from body wash and body cream to bath crystals and bath soak, which means you can soak in it, wash in it, scrub with it, moisturise with it and plonk crystals of it in your bath.